Introduction to Alcohol Personal Licence Holder that is approved by Laser Awards
CPD Certified Provider of Training Excellence Training Approved by Skills for Care


The alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol. Any organisation, business or individual who wishes to sell alcohol must have a licence. This is obtained from a Licensing Authority.

This course starts with an overview of UK alcohol licensing laws and the importance of promoting the four key licensing objectives. The three main types of licence are covered, including applications, conditions, representations, and reviews. You'll learn about the legal duties of personal licence holders, and how to deal with Licensing Authorities, along with information relating to objections, fees and hearings. The course will also discuss issues surrounding Temporary Event Notices, and mandatory conditions, which are compulsory for all licensed premises. It'll also look in detail at the major issue of age verification - and you'll learn about the licensing laws and best practices as they apply to children and under 18s. Finally, it outlines the responsibilities involved in alcohol retailing including drinking guidelines and how to avoid and reduce conflict.

This course is Approved by Laser Awards and you will need to complete a monitored online test to gain the full qualification.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.

  • Introduction
  • Premises Licences
  • Personal Licences and Club Premises Certificates
  • Dealing with Licensing Authorities
  • Types of Businesses Selling Alcohol
  • Representations and Mandatory Conditions
  • Licensing Authority Powers
  • Children and Under 18s
  • Responsibility in Alcohol Retailing
  • Find out what other courses are available as video online, blended and classroom courses nationally - our course finder
  • Sign up for free Student First Aid - use code SCH-376-61-571
  • Visit the First Aid Show free for first aid and medical videos
  • Workplace Emergency Contact Sheet
  • Woundclot - haemostatic gauze for all types of bleeding
What is CPD and why is having Certified CPD important?

CPD stands for Continuous Professional Development and is required in many business sectors. Even if you do not require a set CPD credit level, having Certifed CPD ensures the quality of training. ProTrainings are the highest gold standard of CPD ensuring that all courses are externally verified and mapped to the highest levels.

What is "SCORM ready" and will courses run on a LMS?

SCORM Ready means that online courses can run on any compatible Learning Management System (LMS). SCORM courses run seamlessly on your existing LMS system without a separate login so staff only login using the existing company system. ProTrainings online courses have an advanced SCORM ready system to give more features than any other company.

Do I receive a certificate after completing your online training?

Yes, when you complete the online course you will be able to download and print a compliant completion certificate, evidenced-based learning statement to confirm course content and a certified CPD statement. There is no extra charge for the certificate.  You can also buy a printed certificate to be posted to you for a small extra fee.

What training courses do you offer and how are they delivered?

We offer a full range of training courses across all business sectors as video online, blended and nationwide at your business or our local training centres. With over 350 courses you can learn at a time and place that meets your busy schedules and save money on travel and costs away from the office.

Are your courses Endorsed?

Yes, all ProTrainings courses are Endorsed by TQUK in addition to other approvals and endorsements to give you a quality compliant qualification for your courses whatever delivery method you take.

Why do I need accredited training courses?

Whether you are employed, running a business or taking training for other reasons, you need to ensure the course is trustworthy and will pass due diligence checks.  Taking courses that are accredited gives you peace of mind of the quality, compliance and that your certificate will be accepted. Choosing ISO companies to ensure they are externally verified.

Are courses all online or can I take a blended or class course locally?

Most of our courses are available as online or classroom-based at a training centre locally.  We can also send an instructor to your business to save travel and tailor the course to your business.  To save time and money you can take most courses in a blended format with online and class training.

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