How to Enable Cookies
If you are able to login to our website, but find that you are automatically logged out of the site when you try to visit a different page, then your browser has cookies disabled. To properly use our sites, you must enable cookies in your browser. Please locate your browser version in the list below and follow the instructions to enable cookies. To determine what version of browser you are using, click Help...About in the menu bar.
Mozilla Firefox
- Go to the "Tools" menu.
- Select "Options".
- Select the "Privacy" icon in the top panel.
- Check the box corresponding to "Accept cookies from sites".
- Click "OK" to save changes.
Google Chrome
- Go to the "Chrome" menu.
- Select "Preferences".
- Select the "Settings" option in the side panel.
- Click "Show Advanced Settings".
- Under "Privacy", click the "Content Settings" button.
- Choose "Allow local data to be set" under the "Privacy" options.
- Click "OK" to save changes.
Internet Explorer
- Select Tools
- Select Internet Options
- Select the Privacy tab.
- Select Advanced
- Deselect override automatic cookie handling button
- Click on the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
- Click OK to exit
- From the AOL Toolbar, select Settings.
- Select Preferences
- Select Internet Properties (WWW)
- Select the Privacy tab
- Select Advanced
- Deselect override automatic cookie handling button
- Click OK to exit.