Show full transcript for Course introduction video

Welcome to the ProTrainings First Aid at Work Course

1. Course Overview

Blended Qualification: Complete 6 hours online followed by 2 days in the classroom for full certification.

Flexible Learning: Start and stop the course at your convenience, resume where you left off.

Device Compatibility: Access course materials on any device (computer, smartphone, tablet).

Video Pinning: Pin videos for easy viewing alongside course text.

Subtitles Available: Enhance learning with CC icon for subtitles on each video.

Support and Assistance: Additional help for incorrect answers, ongoing support throughout training.

2. Course Benefits

  • Completion Certificates: Print your completion certificate, CPD statement, and evidence-based learning statement.
  • QR Validation: Validate certificates with QR code scan.
  • Access to Resources: Explore training resources and links from the course homepage.
  • Course Updates: Regular updates with new materials and resources.
  • Extended Access: 8-month access period even after passing the test.
  • Free Company Dashboards: Manage staff training with free company dashboards.

3. Support and Contact

Support: Contact us via email, phone, or online chat for assistance with training or solutions for workplace training.

Weekly Updates: Receive Monday morning emails for skill refreshers and course updates.

We hope you find our course valuable. Thank you for choosing ProTrainings. Good luck with your training!

  • Learning outcomes are displayed here on each video
  • Where they appear on different courses they will be listed separately
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