Philips HeartStart HS1 First Aid Defibrillator
Simple to operate
Turns on with easy-to-use pull handle
Every HeartStart HS1 comes ready-to-rescue. The device is pre-installed in the carrying case and battery and pads are pre-installed in the device. Simply pull up the handle on the front of the AED to activate it.
Guided audio instructions
Talks you through your training
The HeartStart HS1 provides on-demand audio coaching. Calm, clear voice instructions are tailored to the responder’s actions, providing AED and CPR guidance during the resuscitation of a sudden cardiac arrest victim.
Smart Biphasic therapy
Safely delivers maximum shock strength
Philips SMART Biphasic therapy uses a unique combination of high current - to maximize effectiveness, and a lower energy dose - to minimize side effects that are harmful to a fragile heart.
Built-in self test
Ready when needed
Your HeartStart HS1 goes through a 120-point test before it leaves the factory. On the job, it conducts self tests every single day, not just weekly. It performs over 80 different tests in all. Even the pads are tested for readiness.
Quick Shock feature
Minimize chest compression interruptions
CPR is even more vital to survival than previously realized. Rapidly delivering a shock after chest compressions is critical. The HeartStart HS1’s Quick Shock feature reduces the time between hands-off and shock delivery.
Integrated SMART pads
Senses application to patient skin The pads are "smart" because they can sense that they have been removed from the cartridge and applied to the patient. This helps the HeartStart OnSite know at what point the user is in the response process.
Visual queues
Clear, intuitive icon driven operation
The HeartStart HS1’s graphics-based visual instructions are designed to communicate instantly, with minimum reading and interpretation. Users not fluent in the device’s language can follow easily.