50 Plus First Aid – an online first aid course now live

by Keith -

The first aid training needed for the 50 plus age group are different to that on commercial courses. They are not able to complete “text book” style techniques so we have launched a video based online first aid course aimed at making first aid simple and accessible to everyone.  Visit the site at www.pro50plus.co.uk The course covers prevention as well as dealing with a variety of accidents and illnesses.  We even cover the basics of treating your pet if they have an accident.  Anyone can log on and buy this course and they can start and stop the training to …

Are first-aiders allowed to give tablets and medication to casualties?

by Keith -

The HSE guidance for First aid at work does not include giving tablets or medicines to treat illness. The only exception to this is where aspirin is used when giving first aid to a casualty with a suspected heart attack, in accordance with currently accepted first-aid practice. It is recommended that tablets and medicines should not be kept in the first-aid box. Some workers carry their own medication that has been prescribed by their doctor (eg an inhaler for asthma). If an individual needs to take their own prescribed medication, the first-aider’s role is generally limited to helping them to …

New Classroom course – BLS for Healthcare Professionals

by Keith -

We have added a variation on our BLS course to aim it at Healthcare Professionals.  You can find an instructor by looking at www.procourses.co.uk or phone us on 01206 585068 or email on support@protrainings.uk If you do not have time for a classroom course then sign up online and complete our Basic Life Support course. You can complete this video based course at your own pace and have access to the site for 8 months.  As with all our class and online courses, you will receive a free a free PDF student manual, weekly video refresher emails and reminders when …

You can call the emergency services by text if you are hard of hearing

by Keith -

The emergencySMS service lets deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people in the UK send an SMS text message to the UK 999 service where it will be passed to the police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coastguard. Simply by sending an SMS message to 999 you can call for help and the emergency services will be able to reply to you. You can register at http://www.emergencysms.org.uk/registering_your_mobile_phone.php

Youth First Aid

by Keith -

At ProTrainings we have now launched a new classroom course aimed at teaching children basic first aid skills called Youth First Aid.  It is very important that children learn first aid as they often are put in position where they need to use the life skills.  The course is flexible and can be aimed at all ages.  For more information email support@protrainings.uk or visit student first aid.

RIDDOR’s over-three-day injury reporting requirement has changed

by Keith -

As of 6 April 2012, RIDDOR’s over-three-day injury reporting requirement has changed. The trigger point has increased from over three days’ to over seven days’ incapacitation (not counting the day on which the accident happened). Incapacitation means that the worker is absent or is unable to do work that they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work. Employers and others with responsibilities under RIDDOR must still keep a record of all over-three day-injuries – if the employer has to keep an accident book, then this record will be enough. The deadline by which the over-seven-day injury must …

CPR Survival Rates

by Keith -

  Zoll recently released some data on survival rates from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA): If you do nothing until the ambulance arrives the probability of survival from SCA : 5% • If you do CPR before the ambulance arrives the probability of survival: 9% • Apply an AED before the ambulance arrives the probability of survival: 24% • Probability an AED will be available? 2% This shows the importance of prompt effective CPR and AED use, but they are not that easy to find.  We are increasing training choices with AED online, more to be launched soon. AED Online Training

Do you have any medical or accident stories to share?

by Keith -

Do you have any medical or accident stories to share?  We are looking for stories of how you cope with medical conditions or accidents and how you have adapted to injury to inspire and teach others. Also do you have any questions that we can feature on this blog and our other sites? You can email to keith@protrainings.uk them, post to our Facebook or add to this blog. Any stories welcome on any subject would be ideal.  We do not need to quote your name or details.

New adaptive testing and remedial help on our video online courses

by Keith -

We have added adaptive testing to our courses so that you are asked quiz questions during the course and the final exam uses a pool of questions to ensure all exams are different.  Passing the test is the goal but with our courses you can also view remedial help after to ensure that even the questions you got wrong, you can ensure that you know the answers.  Added to this you still get access to the course for 8 months allowing you to keep up to date with the latest additions.