Biphasic Anaphylactic Response – a second later reaction to a trigger

by Keith -

Biphasic response is where there are two separate and distinct responses that are separated in time.  There would be an immediate reaction to the trigger which is then followed by a recurrence of symptoms after an interval of time with no symptoms or signs.  This Anaphylactic reaction can happen happen between 2 and 72 hours so can happen after discharge from hospital. These second reactions can occur in as many of 20 percent of cases.  The biphasic reaction can be less severe than, equally severe as, or more severe than the initial reaction, ranging from mild symptoms to a fatality. …

Basic Life Support for Dentists

by Keith -

We have added a Basic Life Support course specially for Dentists and Dental workers.  This course covers basic life support and CPR skills as well as some other subjects that they are likely to come across.  The course is available as an online only, blended and class course.  For more information call us on 01206 585068, email at or visit the site at

Family First Aid now available as Video online, blended as well as full classroom based

by Keith -

We have launched a video online and blended option to our existing classroom Family First Aid course.  Now you can choose the best course for the time you have available.  You can learn more at and selecting the Family First Aid option or contact us. This course ideal for families of all ages to learn more about helping a family member in need.  For more details on this or any course you can email or call us on 01206 585068

Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates

by Keith -

Some new data on CPR has been released by Zoll Medical.  When a cardiac arrest occurs, only half of victims will need a shock. The other half require high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). A general figure is that for every 1 minute delay in the AED arriving the persons chance of survival drops by 10%.  This figure is based on no one doing CPR. If effective CPR is delivered then the survival drops by just 3-4% per minute.  To clarify these figures it assumes that the person has 100% chance of survival at point of sudden cardiac arrest.  This is even …

Online Training Concerns? Our new course features will help.

by Keith -

  Have you ever been concerned that taking an online course would be sufficient training? This is a valid concern, especially with how many online certification companies there are out there.  It’s important to do some research to make sure that the company you decide to choose provides high quality education. And we know this. So, we’ve been working really hard to ensure that your learning experience through ProTrainings is the best it can possibly be. Here are a few of the new features we’ve recently added to our courses: We now offer advanced remediation. When taking the test, if there’s …

New Appointed Persons in the Workplace Video Online Course

by Keith -

We have launched an online Appointed Persons in the Workplace course at In small business and where a company need extra first aiders but cannot afford the time to release them on a full EFAW course this online Appointed Persons course would be ideal. The course meets the guidelines of the First Aid at Work regulations in respect of an Appointed Person.  Where a classroom HSE approved course is required we have a national network of approved instructors who can deliver the training locally or onsite.  For more information email or call 01206 585068.

Updated Course Videos

by Keith -

We have updated the videos in our first aid courses in Basic Life Support, AED, FAW refresher and working through the others.  All primary care videos and many of the secondary care have been replaced on all first aid courses. Existing students can view all the new videos by logging in to their course as you have access for up to 8 months.

Dehydration in Older People Awareness Week 11th -17th June

by Keith -

The current spell of sunny weather is an outstanding opportunity to raise The NACC National Dehydration in Older People Awareness week. This year’s awareness week June 11th -17th is almost upon us, and this a worthwhile opportunity to raise awareness in the health and social care sector. The Office of National Statistics reported that in 2010 (latest stats available) 155 patients died in hospital from dehydration, and 48 from malnutrition. Dehydrations contributed to another 812 deaths, and malnutrition to a further 31 deaths although these were not listed as the primary cause of death. In care homes in the period …

Epilepsy facts and figures

by Keith -

To understand Epilepsy more it is good to know the scale of the problem and who is affected so we have detailed some facts on this condition from the data from the Joint Epilepsy Council.  Epilepsy can affect anyone of any age in any walk of life and there are over 40 different types of Epilepsy consisting of at least 29 syndromes.  An individual can have more than one type of seizure type.  There are approximately 60% of people with tonic clonic seizures, 20% have complex partial, 12% mixed tonic clonic/complex, 3% simple partial and less than 5% absence seizures, …

Free Video Online First Aid Course for Every School Child Site Now Live

by Keith -

Help us spread the word, we have launched a free video first aid course for every school child. We need to get the word out to schools and clubs to sign up for free. See and “like” our Facebook page at Schools can sign up and choose online only or we can offer a practical session as well. First aid is a very important skill for all children to learn and completing an online course will expand first aid into schools. If a practical module is needed contact us and we will arrange a local instructor to visit your school. It works …

201 Hospital admissions a day due to Asthma

by Keith -

National Asthma week this week and Asthma UK state that 201 people who will be hospitalised a day because of their asthma. That’s one every 7 minutes!  They’ll be fighting for breath as their chest gets tighter and tighter and they panic, scared of what might happen if they don’t get to hospital in time. Asthma can be life threatening and prompt care is vital.  For more information on Asthma and how you can help Asthma Research go to the Asthma Research UK website.