Need first aid? ProTrainings tips now online

To increase the functionality of the site, we’ve added a search feature where you can now easily find answers to frequently asked first aid questions. This section of the website will become a great reference point for information to first aiders, where it’s easy to find answers or learn a little more about general first aid and medical conditions. We’ve also added some videos from our e-learning courses, which sometimes explain topics a little better! You may have experience with a medical condition that isn’t already listed on our site, and we would love to hear from you if you …

First Responder On Scene (FROS) qualification

ProTrainings is now an approved provider of the First Responders on Scene (FROS) Level 3 qualification, regulated by Future Awards. The course is made for those who need to be qualified to act as a first responder in an emergency. Having this qualification gives you the skills to provide appropriate care to a casualty, prior to the arrival of an ambulance. The course can be taken as a classroom or blended course, which is a mixture of both online and classroom learning; great for those who do not have the time to attend in person. There’s no minimum experience level …

ProTrainings – Proven Professionals!

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve been endorsed for both online and classroom training courses, through the Skills for Care scheme; not only that, but we’re the first company to be awarded both of these accolades! ‘Endorsed training’ proves further to you, that our training courses meet the high standards expected of the leading first aid training company.

QCF regulated qualifications change to RQF but what does this mean?

QCF regulated qualifications have all now changed to RQF.  In 2015 Ofqual changed the way in which regulated qualifications are described. The main details of these changes are: The change from the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) which included the sharing of units and structures by different Awarding Organisations to the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the closure of the shared unit bank. The size of qualifications in the RQF is indicated by the Total Qualification Time (TQT) Ofqual defines TQT as:

Pet Fractures

The correct medical term for a break to a bone is a fracture.  Bones can be fractured by direct impact, crushing, bending, bullet wounds and many other causes.  There are many different types of fracture depending on how the bones have been affected.  In simple pet first aid terms, you are not necessarily going to know what has been fractured or even if it is actually fractured.  You may identify a fracture based on the mechanism of injury which is how the accident occurred or the signs you see.


Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to infection injures its own tissues and organs. Common signs and symptoms include fever, increased heart rate, increased breathing rate, and confusion. Sepsis is a rare condition that can look just like flu, gastroenteritis or a chest infection. There are around 123,000 cases of sepsis a year in England. Around 44,000 people die every year as a result of Sepsis. Every three and a half seconds someone dies of Sepsis.