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FFP face masks and COVID-19 Coronavirus

by Keith -

Before you panic-buy masks like there’s literally no tomorrow, you need to read this article. There are lots of myths about wearing of medical masks and FFP face masks and protecting yourself from COVID-19. You should always follow the latest guidance – this currently says that if you have symptoms of coronavirus or suspect you could have the virus, you can wear a mask (in the correct way) to limit the spread of your germs. There is no evidence to suggest that wearing a mask when you have no symptoms will protect you. The exception to this is if you …

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FREE Coronavirus awareness course aims to kick COVID-19

by Keith -

Pioneering online first aid training company ProTrainings has launched a FREE Coronavirus COVID 19 awareness course, with the aim of saving lives by teaching the public how to take precautions against Coronavirus COVID 19. This course is designed to give the general population life-saving advice about the virus, helping them to avoid catching it and how to safely help someone with it. Take the course: The e-learning course can be completed whilst learners are in self-isolation and no classroom is needed so that social distancing can learn at their convenience away from others. The series of video learning aids …

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Coronavirus: Are your stress levels increasing due to COVID 19 outbreak?

by Keith -

The prospects of a global COVID 19 epidemic can be pretty daunting. Worst-case scenarios splashed across news channels and papers. “Up to 600,000 UK citizens could die”. You’re not alone if you’re worrying. The World Health Organisation has given some advice on coping with the possible stress caused by the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. We have stated the exact advice below, which is correct at the time of the posting. More information can be found on its website here: www.WHO.INT It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis.  Talking to people you trust can help, …

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Coronavirus: The facts on COVID-19

by Keith -

A lot is still to be learned about the coronavirus at the centre of the current global outbreak named COVID-19, but the basic symptoms are known. The World Health Organisation currently states that the incubation period is up to 14 days. In current cases, however, typically symptoms show in about 5 days. The current World Health Organisation figures say that based on 44,000 patients with the virus, 81% developed mild symptoms, 14% developed severe symptoms and 5% became critically ill. The death rate appears to be between 1 and 2% but the current initial figures are obviously unreliable, given that …

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ProTrainings supports BHF ‘The Circuit’ defibrillator network

by Keith -

We’re supporting the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) national defibrillator register, designed to help medical professionals and members of the public find their nearest AED in the event of a cardiac arrest. ProTrainings Europe has already registered its AED and is now calling on customers and instructors to do the same. The Circuit This BHF project, partly funded by the government, is named ‘The Circuit’. The service will link a UK-wide network of defibs to people who may need to use them using a website and online app. The project also helps AED owners by sending reminders about pad use-by dates …

NEW life-saving HaemoCap™ pressure device 

by Keith -

The HaemoCap™ MultiSite is an innovative new pressure dressing. It can be used with or without a haemostatic agent and can be applied by civilians, first responders, pre-hospital care personnel and the military. It is your extra pair of hands. Watch more below then read on to find out more! It was invented by Jake Timothy, a Neurosurgeon who believes that the device has many benefits over traditional bandages, to both the patient and the person applying the device. Benefits of the HaemoCap™ MultiSite • Rapid Application • Multi-site (Head, Neck, Limbs, Axilla) • Can be applied by one person and …

‘SafeTea’ Combats Baby Burns Epidemic 

by Keith -

Hot drinks are the leading cause of children’s burns. 30 babies and toddlers go to hospital with a hot drink burn in the UK every day! The ‘SafeTea’ campaign has been set up to spread awareness of these injuries and teach the public how to avoid it happening. We are supporting this and we’re spreading awareness of the campaign to support them and to do our bit, hoping that we can make an impact. What is SafeTea? SafeTea is an online multimedia intervention to help parents to prevent hot drink burns in small children and improve burn first aid. The …

IMPORTANT MESSAGE Emerade auto-injectors users

by Keith -

Further to the previous Emerade drug warning.  The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has warned that some Emerade auto-injector adrenaline pens may be defective. The UK distributor,  Bausch & Lomb UK Limited is recalling all unexpired batches due to an error in which the auto-injector pens fail to activate and deliver adrenaline.  The advice for healthcare professionals is: Stop supplying the affected products immediately Quarantine all remaining stock Return them to your supplier using your supplier’s approved process. Emerade stock held by patients is not being recalled. Affected products: Emerade 150 micrograms solution for injection in pre-filled syringe PL 33616/0013  Emerade 300 micrograms …

Food Safety Manuals in New Languages

by Keith -

There are not only moral obligations to maintain high food standards – legal implications, if standards are not met, could include fines, closure of the premises and even prison! Courses are required to teach food handling and hygiene skills, in and out of the classroom. However, sometimes it can be difficult to remember everything; a crash course is enough to get your certification but continuous professional development should never end. Having a written version of everything you learned during the course can go a long way when it comes to ‘swatting up’ on the theory and ensuring that you’re doing …

SCORM Compliant LMS and Courses

by Keith -

We want to tell you about SCORM: It’s so important for larger organisations that need to offer lots of courses, track training progress and maintain control over learning. What is SCORM? We went to the source to get an exact definition for you: SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model’. It defines a specific way of constructing Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and training content so that they work well with other SCORM conformant systems.” For the techy detail, you can learn more here: ProTrainings and SCORM Every ProTrainings course is conformant with SCORM 1.2 and 2004. If your …