At ProTrainings we have launched our new Good Samaritan Awards to reward anyone who has used their skills to help anyone no matter what level their training is. If you know anyone who has carried out first aid, reduced accidents, saved lives, increased first aid awareness or a ProTrainings instructor who has exceeded in their training, contact us and nominate them for an award. We have special awards for First Aid, Health and Safety, Pet First Aid and a general award. It is free to nominate anyone, simply email with their details, your details and why you nominate them for …
Train as a First Responder On Scene with our FROS course
A First Responder On Scene or FROS qualification is a blended FROS course that allows you to train part of your course online then attend a classroom part where you learn more and practice your sills with a qualified instructor. Courses run in Colchester and at selected centres across the UK or we can attend your workplace to deliver the course. The FROS course is ideal for those who what to learn more about first aid, above standard course levels to be able to provide more advanced first aid and assist the EMS in and emergency. The purpose of this …
Citizen-Aid ® life saving products and advice
At ProTrainings, we are proud to be supporting the charity citizenAID® work hard to empower the public to save lives through education, awareness, pocket guides, a phone app and a low-cost tourniquet, the Tourni-key. Established in 2016, citizenAID® is the UK registered charity with a focused mission to prepare individuals, communities and organisations to help themselves and each other when there are multiple casualties, particularly from deliberate attacks. CitizenAID® recognises that this system is fully transferable to any situation where there are multiple casualties. The citizenAID® Tourni-Key Plus From ProTrainings Europe is a must-have addition to every first aid kit. …
Emerade 300 and 500 Microgram adrenaline auto-injectors are now available again
In 2020, Emerade adrenaline auto-injectors we recalled due to an error in one component which cause some devices to fail to activate. Bausch & Lomb, who are the manufacturers of Emerade adrenaline auto-injectors, have now announced that the 300 and 500 microgram dose auto-injectors are available again in the UK following corrections made to the device. The Emerade 150 microgram dose will still be unavailable at this time. It is important to remember that different brands of adrenaline auto-injectors have different usage instructions and therefore training specific to the brand you are prescribed to must be given. Some important advice …
Online Essential Digital Skills Level 1 Training
Learn about how to use digital devices using our easy to use video online training then chose to take the full regulated qualification. The Essential Digital Skills Level 1 Award is an appropriate size for individuals who wish to strengthen their IT skills for life and skills for work, perhaps building their IT skills in their early years of employment/training or undergoing induction, where IT plays a part. Although it could support more established workers who have had limited experience of using information technology before. The qualification is designed to meet the requirements of the EDS’ frameworks and is designed …
HaemoCap™ MultiSite is a pressure dressing. It is NOT a tourniquet
The HaemoCap™ Multisite can be used with or without a haemostatic agent and can be applied by civilians, first responders, pre-hospital care personnel and the military. It is your extra pair of hands! Mr Jake Timothy, Neurosurgeon and inventor of HaemoCap™ MultiSite explains how the device works and its many benefits over traditional bandages – to both the patient and the person applying the device. HaemoCap™ MultiSite is not a tourniquet – it’s a pressure dressing ✔ Rapid Application ✔ HaemoCap™ MultiSite (Head/Neck/Limbs/Axilla) ✔ Can be applied by one person and non-trained medical staff ✔ Semi-Transparent so that the wound is visible ✔ …
New Personal Fitness course special offer
We are offering a 30% discount off our new Personal Fitness course until the end of October 2021. Keeping fit and eating well is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. This course gives you the basics of what you need to do and why it is important to balance your diet with your exercise. The course covers many different basic exercises that you can do with minimal equipment to allow you to build basic exercise programs that you can do at home. Learn how to improve your diet Understand why you need to do exercises not just how to …
Can you please vote for two exceptional pet charities
The Super Dog Awards voting is this month and we support two exceptional entrants to this nationwide competition and we ask you to help them both by taking time to give a vote to each one of these worthy winners. We have filmed with both of these entrants and it will mean a lot to them both to get your vote. Team Brainy Dogs – Click here to vote The Brainy Dogs Team have been nominated for a Naturo SuperDog Team Award because they are inspiring and the work they are doing is hugely impactful in improving the lives of …
Come and see us at the Emergency Services Show at the NEC
We are at the Emergency Services Show at the NEC from 7th to 8th September. We will be showing our nationwide training solutions in face to face, video online, blended, virtual and hybrid. We will have different new courses promoted including Triage, Major Incident Planning and Support, First Responder On Scene (FROS) and 350 other courses. We will also have our first aid equipment and Practi-Man manikins on show with some new products. Come and see us on stand N33 to see what we and our 1500 instructors nationwide can offer.
Burns kits – what is inside a burns kit
This is the first aid online burns kit. Inside the plastic case, there are 12 items in there, and the first thing you will notice with them, they are different from other burns kits, because you literally just open up the burns kit and all the bits and pieces are there, so you to stand the whole casing into the case and then you can find where everything is. You have not got things underneath other things. Inside the kit, you have got gloves, because it is very important to put gloves on when dealing with any burn. You have …
High quality plasters – an effective alternative to conventional plasters
One of the biggest problems with plasters is they simply do not stay on enough. This is the AeroPlast range, they are a much higher quality plaster. They do cost more money, but they are well worth it. There is no point in having a plaster if it is just going to fall off. They are available in assorted boxes and also single boxes and with these plasters, they are very easy to use, they are very safe, and they are available in three main types: The waterproof, the fabric and also the detectable ones for catering. This range is …
Can children learn First Aid?
At ProTrainings, we have had a free student video online course and a schools program for over 10 years but we asked our Paramedics, can children learn first aid? If we consider what the aspects of first aid are, then it’s possible for any age of the child to do something, even if that is alerting the emergency services in the first place. Soon as they recognize that a parent or a sibling or anybody that they are with at the time has become ill, raising the alarm and getting the appropriate level of care to that patient is vitally …