Human Body Picture Free Manual Download with all First Aid Courses
by Keith -
To support our classroom, blended and video online courses we have added another student manual to show more about the human body. This book is a picture book with diagrams about different conditions and parts of the body. We will be adding to this book over the coming months and will later in the year split it to conditions of the body and about the body.
The human body is a complex subject and we have covered many topics here and we will be adding supporting text and pictures in future editions. The file size of this manual is large so you you will need to have an up to date operating system on your computer. The manual is free to download or you can buy the manual from our store by clicking here.
On ProTrainings courses you will find many different downloads and links to support the training. If you have any problems accessing your free student dashboard please contact us on 01206 805359 or email
We have updated all first aid manuals to the latest 2015 guidelines and added more content to cover more subjects to support the courses. The non first aid manuals are also being updated and over half are now redesigned and updated. To download the manuals, for online, blended and classroom…
We have updated most of the student manuals and added some new ones. To see the latest manuals for your course logins in and download the book. As you have access to the our sites for 8 months you are kept up to date with the latest course material. For…
We have made some changes to most of the free student manuals that come with all ProTrainings courses whether classroom, blended or video online. You can download these and many other documents and links from your training dashboard (where you first login). You will see course rescources tab. You can…
In "50 Plus First Aid"
Human Body Picture Free Manual Download with all First Aid Courses #firstaid
Human Body Picture Free Manual Download with all First Aid Courses #firstaid