ProTrainings Europe

HSE Annual updates recommended by the HSE for Workplace firstaiders

In October 2009 the HSE changed the way FAW courses were run by introducing an approved one day course called the Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) and cutting the length of the First Aid at Work course from 4 to 3 days. What they also found from their research was that it is very important for first aiders in the workplace to be updated more regularly than every three years because first aiders were forgetting key skills.

What they the said was that first aiders in the workplace are recommended to complete an annual update.  This is NOT mandatory but strongly recommended. It is best for all business to follow the recommendations of the HSE and complete this course.

HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training, over half a day, during any three-year FAW/EFAW certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes to first-aid procedures” (source)

Obviously sending all staff on courses every year can be difficult to manage, this is one reason it is a recommendation and not mandatory.  Video based e-learning from offers companies an easier alternative, it gives the student time to refresh their skills at a time to suit them and the employer.  A weekly email update can be sent to them with news and s video of the week. On completion candidate’s receive a wall certificate which can be printed and a wallet card will be sent in the post. You will have access to the site for 8 months.

Annual refresher courses do not extend the date on the origional 3 yearly FAW or EFAW certificates.  These updates have to be done with an approved instructor which you can find locally. If you need to find an instructor, one place to find one is at First Aid Junction.

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