ProTrainings Europe

Free Video Online First Aid Course for Every School Child Site Now Live

Free student video online first aid course from ProTrainings

Student First Aid

Help us spread the word, we have launched a free video first aid course for every school child. We need to get the word out to schools and clubs to sign up for free. See and “like” our Facebook page at Schools can sign up and choose online only or we can offer a practical session as well. First aid is a very important skill for all children to learn and completing an online course will expand first aid into schools. If a practical module is needed contact us and we will arrange a local instructor to visit your school.

It works by the school registering and they get a school dashboard to manage all students. They can either opt for 100% online or blended, which creates a code which starts “SCH” and that relates to a school or class so when entered on the home page the child gets access free to the course. First Aid training in schools is recognised by many agencies as very important but schools do not have the budget to offer it in most cases but with ProTrainings Student First Aid they can offer training for free.

This is an excellent chance to expand first aid awareness and we welcome anyone who wants to be part of the project. If you know any schools or clubs who want to register ask them to register here or email their details to us.  Please email any ideas to

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